Why Coach Has to Learn?

Why the coach has to learn?

For most athletes, their coach is an influential element on the competitive experience.  Coaches have a positive influence on today’s youth.  If we ask children playing various sports, they would probably rate that coaches have the maximum positive influence on them.

Coaches can at the most help their players in improving their skills, performing to their best ability, developing a strong character, and gaining confidence.  They can thus maximize the positive value of sports and enhance the intrinsic motivation to play a sport.

What makes a good or effective coach?  At the youth level, an effective coach may be the person who encourages his/her athletes and provide learning opportunities to them.  The role of coach is a complicated one.  Surveys of coaches at the youth level find that they serve as an instructor, teacher, motivator, disciplinarian, substitute parent, social worker, friend, manager, therapist and fundraiser.  Ideally, coaches should understand the developmental stage and limits of their athletes in order to tailor practices and playing time appropriately.  In addition to these expectations, coaches are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of the sport they are coaching, including the rules and the skills and techniques needed to play this sport.   At more advanced levels of competition, they need to understand basic kinesiology, sport psychology, nutrition and the basic first-aid techniques.

Not many sports and training certifications are available in our country.  Many coaches started coaching after playing competitive sports or taken up coaching as a hobby or as a livelihood.  Many do not have coaching experience, but they may have learned their coaching skills by observing other coaches.  My observation is that these coaches have very little knowledge of sport safety, training, biomechanics of the sport, various skills to adopt particular sports, conditioning and child development.

Coaches, who impart effectiveness training that focuses on positive coaching, have indicated that it is more advantageous for the children who actually play a sport competitively.  Children coached by trained individuals also reported lower anxiety levels.  Children’s dislike of their coach is an important reason for discontinuing a sport.

A critical role for coaches is team building – i.e. making all the moving parts and variable skill levels of a group of athletes work together.  Team-building activities can have positive results with elite sport.  In addition, coaches have also reported that these activities have improved their own communication and motivational skills. Studies on team building show that athletes benefit from coaches, who employ team-building techniques that create a more enjoyable environment and increase the likelihood that they will continue with this sport.

Importance of coaching / training certification

It is sad that we have very few certification courses available. Former players use their experience to teach children and expect players to perform at the elite level. We can certify and educate as many coaches as possible for the development of the sport. Coaches are the most influential to get optimum results from players. Knowledge is vital in any field. Coaches must upgrade themselves with new trends, listen to and understand the scientifically explained techniques. There is a vast difference in training coaching methods followed in yester years and today. The technology and science have changed; the game has evolved with new dimensions of skill training, biomechanical analysis, injury prevention techniques, specialized conditioning for high performance and sports psychology. Documenting the progress is important for the future development in sports. Individual assessment data for the programme design and planning has played important role in the development of a player.

Let us know what the coaches learn in a certification programme? The biggest asset of certification is that a wide range of knowledge is presented scientifically to upgrade the coaches. The emphasis of a certification program should be on the LTAD program (long-term athletic development program). Physical development is the paramount of developing any player and all coaches must understand and learn various pathways of players’ physical and mental development and their responses towards these paths at each level. Physical skills must be taught, practiced and mastered in a sequence. If any step in the sequence is missed, then the development hampers and cannot be compensated. In any sports, basic athleticism is critical to develop, without which it would be impossible to learn any sports. Demands of a particular sport are often neglected although it is an important aspect. It is very important to plan a training program by considering the demands for an individual as well as the sport. Playing a sport is a science and every sport requires specific actions and movements. These must be taught in the course of movement mechanics. In sports, the level of each player is different and hence the coaches need to adjust and modify their coaching strategies as per the level of players. They need to understand the basic coaching principles, body language, communication skills and influence players to perform at the highest level. All aforementioned components are critical and must be learnt by every coach. A coach may be a very good former player, but he/she need not necessarily be a good coach. Playing and coaching are the two different things as far as player development is concerned.  All the above-mentioned qualities in a coach play a very important role in creating a champion. Coaching and training certification gives you confidence while coaching, because you learn to develop different coaching methods and techniques, you can modify, improvise various skills as per the demands of a situation.

A coach may spend more time with a young athlete in a day than a parent, and parents have put a great deal of confidence in coaches. It is our job to create a safe platform, where parents feel they need not worry about whether their kids will be safe playing competitive sports. Parents feel assured when they know that a coach’s knowledge will keep kids safe, but many coaches were honest in admitting that they do not believe whether have the right kind of knowledge to prevent injuries and extensive know-how about making a champion player. Based on my experience as a strength and condition coach, I believe that level of training and knowledge of coaches is far from adequate. What can we do to restore the trust in the relationship between coaches, parents and their kids? It is vital that we do so, because a kid’s involvement in a team sport is important as they grow up. The values sports teach are important: working together, watching out for each other, accepting the decisions of others, leadership, listening to other perspectives and making split-second decisions.

I strongly believe that it is absolutely essential for coaches to obtain education about preventing injuries and to certify that they have adequate knowledge to keep kids safe. If we plan properly, the certification would not merely remain a feel-good piece of paper. It would help in building a safe platform of confidence. This certification would also confirm that genuine education on strategies to prevent knee, back, joint injuries, and repetitive motion injuries is imparted to coaches, and would also help them in enhancing the careers of players. They would learn what to do in the case of emergencies and other serious risks.

A coach is a professional, a leader, a teacher, a mentor and deserves an earned public trust. Ensuring that coaches receive education through certification is a small but natural extension of this process. It is a responsibility of a coach to remain up-to-date with the latest advancements in sports.



Mahendra Gokhale




Kabaddi for fitness


The Pro Kabaddi wave that is sweeping across India is making for a pleasant change from the usual cricket and football obsession that we tend to have. If you haven’t started watching already, you should start immediately. The demanding sport is a great way to stay healthy and just by watching a couple matches of the Pro Kabaddi League you will find yourself eager to try it out for yourself.

kabaddi is an easy and inexpensive sport to take up. Unlike other sports like cricket, football, tennis, squash, badminton or table tennis, which happen to require both equipment and space, kabaddi does not need either. All you require is a few friends, a grassy field and a little bit spare time a few times a week.
Here are some of the fitness benefits that you could achieve if you were to start playing kabaddi

• Stamina: Since the game requires you to chant the word ‘kabaddi’ over and over again without taking a breath, you will learn to stretch your endurance way past its usual limits. Controlling one’s breathing has historically been a powerful form of yoga, and when combined with the hard physical activity that the game demands, it will help you develop considerable stamina and concentration that you will also be able to apply to other areas of your life.

• Agility: As per the game, players from each team take turns holding their breath and crossing over to the other side of the line in order to try and touch as many of the opposing team’s players as they can, while the opposing team does everything they can to prevent that player from returning back to his side of the line without taking a breath. Running, kicking, dodging and feinting are therefore skills that are essential to the game, and as you start picking them up your muscles will become much stronger and your movements more agile.

• Speed: Kabaddi is a game that is played quickly, with players having to move and think extremely fast. While playing the game you will have very little time to assess the situation and the fact that you are not allowed to take a breath means that you will have to move rapidly. Over time, you will find yourself much becoming much faster in terms of your physical and mental abilities even outside the game, with quick reflexes and the ability to instantly gauge the advantages and disadvantages of a situation and make snap judgments.

If you have played kabaddi as a child you will already be familiar with the rules and practices of the game. However if you are not, the Pro Kabaddi League is a great way to get acquainted with the sport. While at first the raw intensity of the game is startling, the finer points of planning and strategy emerge as you continue to watch.

Mahendra Gokhale

The first thing you should keep in mind when preparing for a makeover event is that almost anybody can compete in a fitness event barring health problems. If you have no health reason to participate in a fitness competition, then it is open to you. It really does not matter if you are a regular fitness competitor or if you are just getting into fitness. All it takes is time, dedication, determination and priority toward own health.

People give too much importance for losing weight, but those who exercise ONLY to lose weight end up getting stress, remain depressed and unhappy always. There are many other benefits of exercise other than losing weight. Makeover is a fitness contest, every person must participate in this contest for better health, improve physical & mental ability, immunity, confidence, fun and enjoyment. Makeover event is not only for your own fitness but also develop bonding, meeting new friends, teaches you to prepare for new challenges, develop team building, socialising, interaction with others and many more benefits.

Many regular exercising members think what more can I achieve in makeover programme? But there is always more in health and fitness, one follow the routine daily and just go through it without setting goals, but competition can challenge your abilities and set higher fitness goals. One can always deliver more but it can happen only in competition, so make over event can take out the best in you and work towards it.
For a regular fitness competitor, who has been on a regular fitness schedule, three months is probably enough to whip their bodies into shape. But if you are a beginner in fitness training, then fitness competition like makeover is a great start to your fitness routine and gives you required motivation to set own health and fitness goals.
Training is an essential part in preparing for a fitness competition and this is not just limited to the exercises you have to do to get in shape. Training involves making lifestyle adjustments and changes and also involves paying close attention to your nutritional intake. It is important to periodise your training and dieting. This involves doing both progressively and building on that progress to minimize the threat of injury and improve the success rate.

Fitness competitions are not about how many tricks and gimmicks you can perform. It is about how fit you are and how effortlessly you can meet the challenges inherent in your routine. Therefore it is important to create a routine that is not about intricate moves but more about moves that will show how fit you are.
In going about your training, do not simply incorporate a fitness routine that has worked perfectly well for another person. This is because all body types are different and you need a fitness routine that is tailored to you. This is where the assistance of MG’s trainers comes in, one who can recommend workout routines that are well suited to your body and your temperament. They are well trained for that.

When building a routine for your fitness competition, exercise your creativity. It is not about how many tricks you can do. Discuss with your trainer regarding the exercise theme you are comfortable with and one that puts you at ease. This will probably bring out the best in you during the competition.
Your outfit should be chosen with particular care as this can make you look good
When you are preparing for a fitness competition, give yourself time to plan and train. Clear your mind of clutter so that you can be mentally focused and relax. With adequate preparation, almost anyone can participate in a fitness competition.
Mahendra Gokhale


MYTHS about weight training in Women

  1. Women can’t get as strong.

Women have a potential for developing muscular fitness that often remains untapped. In fact, the average woman gains strength at a slightly faster rate that the average man does.

  1. Strength training de-feminizes women.

The potential benefits of strength training like functional, physical, mental and health is just as appropriate and available to women as they are to men.

  1. Liftingweights will cause women to develop relatively large muscles.

In reality, women don’t have the genetic potential to develop large muscles because; they don’t have enough testosterone hormones, which is needed for the development of muscle bulk.

  1. Strength training will make a woman muscle-bound.

Muscle-bound is a term that connotes lack of flexibility.  Not only will proper strength training not make a woman less flexible, in most cases, it will make her more flexible.

  1. A woman’s muscles will turn to fat when she stops training.

Muscles cannot turn into fat.  Muscles simply don’t have the physiological capacity to change from one type of tissue to another.  Muscles have the property of “use it or lose it.”  If a woman doesn’t use a particular muscle, that muscle will literally waste away (atrophy).

  1. Strength training increases a woman’s need for vitamins.

The vitamin needs of a physically active woman are generally no greater than those of a sedentary one.  Because vitamins do not contribute significantly to a woman’s body structure and do not provide her with a direct source of energy, a woman who engages in strength training receives no benefit from taking an excessive dose of vitamin supplements.  Eating a variety of healthful foods will ensure that a woman’s intake of vitamins is adequate.

  1. Strength training is for young women.

It’s never too late for a woman to enhance the quality of her life by improving her level of muscular fitness.  Proper strength training has numerous benefits to women of all ages and fitness levels, including the fact that it can help extend a woman’s functional life span.


Here are the reasons why women must do weight training

You’ll Lose more Fat
If you think cardio is the key to reducing belly fat then you must read the following article, In the research conducted few months back in Australia the dieters were divided into two groups—no other exercise except aerobic exercise only and weight training—they all lost around 21 pounds, but the women doing weight training shed three more kilos of fat than those who didn’t pump iron. The weight training loss was almost pure fat; the others lost fat and muscle.

Other research on dieters who don’t lift shows that, on average, 75 percent of their weight loss is from fat, while 25 percent is from muscle. Muscle loss may drop your scale weight, but it doesn’t improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to gain back the flab you lost. However, if you weight train as you diet, you’ll protect your hard-earned muscle and burn more fat.

Your Clothes Will Fit Better
Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 50, you’ll likely lose 12/15 percent of your body’s total muscle. Worse yet, it’s likely to be replaced by fat over time, says a study. And that increases your waist size, because one pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space than one pound of muscle.

Burn More Calories
Weight training increases the number of calories you burn because after each strength workout, your muscles need energy to repair their fibers. In fact, metabolisms increased remained for 39 hours afterward. They also burned a greater percentage of calories from fat compared with those who didn’t lift.

Lifting gives you a better burn during exercise too: Doing a circuit of eight exercises (which takes about ten minutes) can burn 150 to 220 calories. That’s about what you’d burn if you ran at a 10-mile-per-hour pace for the same duration.

Diet Will Improve
Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan. Research shows that those who didn’t follow a 4/5 -hours-a-week training regimen ate more than their allotted 1,500 calories a day. Diet and exercise likely remind you to stay on track, aiding your weight-loss goals.

Can Handle Stress Better
The fittest people exhibit lower levels of stress hormones than those who were the least fit. After a stressful situation, the blood pressure levels of people with the most muscle returned to normal faster than the levels of those with the least muscle.

Can Be Happier
Walking or Yoga isn’t the only kind of exercise. Researchers found that people who performed three weight training workouts a week for six months significantly improved their scores on measures of anger and overall mood.

Build Stronger Bones
As you age, considerable reduction of bone mass takes place, which increases your likelihood of getting fractures. But 12 / 16 weeks of resistance training increased hip bone density and elevated blood levels of osteocalcin—a marker of bone growth–by 19 percent.

Get In to Shape Faster
The term cardio shouldn’t describe only aerobic exercise, circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 beats per minute higher than if you ran at 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate. This approach strengthens muscles and provides cardiovascular benefits similar to those of aerobic exercise—so you save time without sacrificing results.

Your Heart Will Be Healthier
People who did three total-body weight training sessions a week for two months decreased their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) that’s enough to reduce the risk of a stroke by 40 percent and the chance of a heart attack by 15 percent.

You’ll Live Longer
Total body strength is linked to lower risks of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.






I am sure you all are enjoying Ganapati festival and waiting to celebrate Navaratri followed by Diwali too. Here I am to give you more joy to add to your enjoyment of festivals. It is joy of exercise. I am sure you will find this little strange but after you finish reading this, you will understand that there is really joy in exercise. I know few of you will start reading this with a feeling that how boring it is to read such DOSE quotes, but I cannot help it as I cannot see people only enjoy festivals, neglect exercises that to, at the cost of their health!

Our mind set

Let us work on our mind set or line of thinking. We all are born lazy and over-protective right from our childhood. We always look for comforts at all levels rather than sweating out for anything. We believe in recreation more than serious health benefits from exercise.

We always make fun of the people who sweat out or call them mad or only admire them but when it is our turn, we back out. No wonder we do not have sports and fitness culture. We all are genius and intellectual but little efforts in our physical make up will surely rule the world. Making money should not be the only aim of our life. Instead, one should have good health in order to enjoy the hard earn money. But we seem to neglect the same and end up spending all the hard earn money on hard working doctors. We only realise this very fact when we are unable to continue with our daily routine. Our concept of ‘enjoyment’ and even may be of ‘success’ is limited to drinking, smoking and eating and making more money.

Actually more than enjoyment, it adds to our daily stress which we fail to understand. We have created too competitive world for ourselves and all are running after money ( to be successful or rather better than others) to fulfil the dream of virtual world. Doing all this we have forgotten the real value of our health and being to ourselves. Toooo much of  philosophy, now lets turn to the real exercise recommendations-

•We become donors to many gyms, rather than using the facilities for benefit of your health. We all exercise only 2-3 times a week with no excuse except LAZINESS.(unfortunately exercise is never our top priority)

•Many members miss exercise because of tooooooo many parties on week days and laziness (one dinner in a hotel along with 2 pegs of hard drinks, add 1200 extra calories, 800 extra calories without drinks) plus the late nights and missing exercise the next day, meaning ‘you are 1200 calories excess’, which adds to the fat and weight of your body composition. Hence you will realise that it is a responsibility of an individual to spend more time exercising to burn extra 500 calories especially on the day of the party or the next day. (if you cannot avoid party, burn 500 more calories than routine exercise to maintain) so if you party hard, work out harder, come out of your comfort zone and learn to punish your body. Only then you will realise that it is not punishment but enjoyment.

•Many people travel for work for 4-5 days a week and miss exercise for 10-15 days with no excuse! A facility of ‘travelling exercise plan’ is surely provided on demand.

•Many people are waiting for Monday or 1st day of the month to begin their exercise schedule and this wait is on for several months or rather years!! Body do not accept Monday’s or 1st of the month to start exercise, so start making positive changes as soon as you read this blog (before it is toooooo late!)

• Exercise works as prevention for many health problems. It releases stress,

• Negligence towards exercise and non activity will increase the chances of increases immunity, develops confidence and body language and has many more benefits which are to be experienced than explained.high cholesterol, triglycerides, hypertension, BP, osteoporosis, arthritis, hormonal  imbalance and many more health issues

• Make sure you exercise 30 hours a month divided in 25 days (exclude Sundays)

• Your exercise does not mean you can eat and drink anything you want, in fact one has to be very responsible towards his/her eating habits and own health or else you will see no change in improvement in health in spite of spending time on exercising.

• Avoid Ice cream, too much of cheese and butter, fried food, late night dinner,sweets late at night, Chakana along with drinks, eat lot of protein food (not supplements)

• Circulate this to your friends and family members, you can be a role model for them to start exercises.

• Enjoy exercise!

What are you waiting for? start now and get rich exercise benefits, participate in many more events organised by MG’s and enjoy fun-filled events, We want all of you to have healthy,wealthy, prosperous and cheerful life style and also look healthier and fitter always!


Mahendra Gokhale




How to select Running Shoes?


A running shoe should protect the feet against injury, but should not do the work of the foot by providing excessive cushioning and lots of extra support in the arch. A shoe should complement a strong foot. With new companies and shoe options on the market, you can do a bit of research online to find the types of shoes that may interest you. Review the specifications on shoe material, weight and heel to toe drop to find brands that follow the general guidelines below.


What is a good, safe running shoe?


  • Minimal heel-to-toe drop: This drop is the difference in the thickness of the heel cushion to the thickness in the forefoot cushion area. Shoes with no drop or a small drop 6mm or less are the best choice for allowing the foot to normally support loading during each gait cycle
  • Neutral: This means the shoe does not contain motion control or stability components. These extra components interfere with normal foot motion during weight bearing.
  • Should be light in weight approx 10 to 12 ounces


How to buy a running shoe:


  • Every time you shop for running shoes, have your feet sized in the store. Be aware that you may have different sized right and left feet. For some runners, buying shoes of slightly different sizes may be best. Forcing a shoe that is too tight on one foot will cause foot pain over time.
  • Foot shape or arch height is not good indicators of what kind of running shoe to buy.
  • Avoid buying shoes based on advice given after someone in a store has watched you walk. Your gait and foot motion are very different when you walk and run.
  • Be aware that all runners pronate, or drop the foot inward. Pronation is a normal foot motion during walking and running. Pronation alone should not be a reason to select a running shoe. Runners may be told while shopping that because pronation is occurring, a shoe with arch support is best.

In fact, the opposite may be true. Pronation should occur and is a natural shock absorber. Stopping pronation with materials in the shoes may actually cause foot or knee problems to develop. Excessive pronation can occur, but in most cases can be corrected with therapy and exercises to strengthen the foot, leg and hip rather than by a shoe. Buy running shoes at the end of the day when your feet have ‘swollen’ as much as they will and the shoes will not feel tight.

  • Be sure the shoe has a wide toe box. The toe box is the area where your forefoot and toes are. You should be able to move your toes easily. Narrow toe boxes do not permit the normal movement or spread of the foot bones during running. This will prevent your feet from being able to safely distribute the forces during the loading phase of gait.
  • There should be at least ½ inch of room between the toes and front of shoe, about enough space to place your thumb between your big toe and the front of the shoe.
  • Test the shoe to determine if it is too narrow: take the insert out of the shoes and step on them on the ground. Does your foot hang over the sides of the insert? If so, your shoe is too narrow.
  • When you test running in the shoe, be sure that the heel does not slip.


Shoe Qualities to Avoid:


  • High, thick cushioning: Soft cushioning may actually encourage runners to adopt worse biomechanics and land with greater impact than shoes with less cushioning.
  • Shoes that have a high heel cushion and low forefoot cushion
  • Extra arch support inserts or store based orthotics. These items are often not necessary. Orthotics should be considered temporary fixes (6-8 weeks) until foot strength is increased. A trainer can help you with exercises that can strengthen the foot so that you do not need arch supports on a daily basis.


Transition from old to new shoe


Be aware that when you change from one shoe to another, there should be a transition period in which you may need to wear the new shoes for part of a run. Over a couple weeks, the time wearing the new shoe can increase until the entire run is performed with the new shoe. Exercises to increase foot and hip strength should be done before and as you transition to the new shoe. When initially exercising in shoes with minimal drop, the lower extremities will need to adapt by activating muscles in the hip and gluteus (buttock) area. There may be some initial soreness in these muscle areas for the first couple of weeks. If you are switching from a shoe with a high heel-to-toe drop to a shoe with a low or zero drop, consider using a transition shoe with a moderate heel-to-toe drop for a few months while you adapt; after this adaptation, then switch to the shoe with minimal or zero drop.


When should you buy new running shoes?


  • A general rule of thumb is to purchase new shoes for every 550 km, but limited science has not identified the ideal time frame for all running shoes. Different shoes will vary in wear based on what materials they are made from, and whether the shoes are used for more than running. Faster wear may occur if the shoes are used for other activities on a daily basis than if they were used for running alone.
  • If there are wear patterns on the shoe that reveal the sole layers underneath, discard the shoes. Uneven wear on the shoe sole causes changes in running mechanics that lead to injuries.

How to start Running

Many people express their desire for running but they are clueless about how to start and they start with some wrong methods of running because somebody else is doing it!

Running is a great passion and gives you real self accomplishment. It boosts the spirit and positive energy within you. You may follow the tips in my first blog, will get to read many more exercise tips in the coming days. Just stay tune with the website to read & share with your friends

Set a short term realistic goal

If you want to stay committed, then you need something to work for. If you have never run before, then find a group to run or run with someone who will be of same level on running. Start with proper breathing and postural guidance. It is very difficult to change the wrong concept developed in early age. So we also insist parents to teach children the exercises skills and postures rather than making them tired through wrong methods of exercises. You may start walk – jog for 20 min. You will get lot of confidence by completing the time or distance decided. Your goal may just be to complete it without stopping; – it doesn’t matter, as long as you work towards that goal. If you are a bit more experienced and just need a fresh boost, enter a longer distance. Achieve your goal – then promptly enter another one. You need structure, right?

Follow a plan

Follow proper instruction and try to implement them while you start running. Make a habit of maintaining a diary or download an app which will maintain it for you to boost up your confidence and also guide you in analysing of running with calories, time, distance etc. Always find a plan   that works for you. Make weekly plans and progress gradually. Weekly plans give you time to get adapted to the skills you learn. Try and learn new running skills.

Find your style

Do not spend too much on running accessories. I mean find what makes running enjoyable for you. If you dread each run, you won’t carry on – so whether it’s finding a beautiful location to run in, spending some quality time with great music ringing in your ears work out what works for you.

You may be someone who needs a running partner to spur you on. But running with someone else isn’t for everyone – some people even find it off putting.

Get the right kit

Running is not an expensive sport – once you have the basic kit, you are good to go. But do make sure it’s the right gear. Find a good, specialist running shoes in a sports shop. Always make sure that the shoe fits in well with you foot – most of us overpronate for example, and need shoes with a bit of support. I like nice shoes as much as the next person, but when it comes to running, I take whatever I’m told my feet need. That might not be the most aesthetically pleasing offering. Always wear soft cotton socks to avoid friction


Listen to your body

Do listen and learn the difference between an ache – perhaps just muscles getting used to all this new work they are doing – and a pain. But don’t despair if you get the pain: check your shoes are right and that you haven’t upped your distance too drastically – increase by increments. For aches, my top tip is icing.

Don’t neglect other exercise

There are plenty of other forms of exercise that will help your running: build core strength help you in maintaining running posture. Strength sessions minimum 2 times a week consist of Quads, hamstrings, Hips and ankles are must, also make sure you maintain good level of flexibility in those areas which enhances the recovery and maintain suppleness in joints. You may swim and stretch the sore muscles in the pool so as to recover faster.

So now it’s over to you – hope you follow the above instructions and enjoy running lifetime

Next week read about selecting running shoes




Sports Fitness

Sport Fitness

In the past decade, theories about sport-fitness methodologies have changed significantly. Now days coaches no longer focus primarily on brute strength. Instead, movement patterns that are similar to the specific sport have become the foundation of most conditioning programs. This is based on a concept called the “pattern recognition theory of motor learning,” which states that the brain does a better job at memorizing movement patterns than it does simple muscle isolations. Number of factors taken into consideration when designing a sport training program. Let’s take a look at them.

The Sport

What are the primary characteristics of the sport? Does it require speed and power, or agility and coordination? What energy system is used? Sports that require explosive bouts of energy use the anaerobic system, while endurance sports make use of the aerobic energy system. Additionally, for team sports, you need to look at what position the athlete plays. For example, a fast bowling all rounder requires more fitness qualities than a spinner, even though they are players in the same game.

One of the biggest mistakes that sport-fitness training make is not considering how much strength the sport actually requires. This frequently happens in golf fitness, where a trainer has the athlete perform golf-specific movements with a weight that is much heavier than the actual club. As a result, the golfer memorizes the pattern of swinging with a heavier weight, which can slow down performance.

The Athlete

What are the unique physical qualities of the specific athlete? Consider their strengths, weaknesses and injury history. A good sport fitness program teaches the athlete how to use her strength to her greatest advantage while strengthening her weak links. If she is injury prone, a preventative maintenance program should be developed.

The Program

As previously mentioned, the ideal sport fitness program uses movement patterns that emulate the specific motions of the sport. However, since athletics involve quick reaction times, an element of spontaneity should be included in any sport-fitness program in order to enhance agility. Sport-fitness programs should also incorporate balance and proprioception exercise. This is where sport-conditioning programs differ from machine-based training, where the movements are highly predictable, and seat belts as well as other extrinsic stabilizing devices eliminate the need for core muscle activation. Additionally, about 80% of the muscles used in sport are rotary, whereas the machine exercise movement pattern are predominately linear. Therefore, for the most part, machine training for sport is not really functional.

By Mahendra Gokhale





Excercise & Goal Setting


Finding motivation to train or stick with exercise on a regular basis isn’t always easy. Demanding schedules, burn-out, and illness are just a few of the things that may interrupt your fitness routine. However, sometimes motivation can be found by following a very simple formula. Goal setting based upon the S.M.A.R.T. approach, is a simple technique that provides structure for your training program. Many athletes and coaches successfully use this formula to set both short and long-term training goals.

The SMART principle

  1. Set Specific Goals. Research shows that specific goals are the most motivating. A specific goal is to reduce your 5K time by 30 seconds within 6 months. Many people just say they want to get faster. This goal is far too general to really motivate you in your training.


  1. Set Measurable Goals. Simply saying that you want to get faster is not enough detail. You need to be able to chart and document progress toward your goal. One way to measure your progress is to document your performance at set intervals. In the above example you may want to time your 5K performance once a month so you have a good measurement


  1. Set Adjustable Goals. This means your goals are flexible enough to accommodate unexpected challenges without becoming obsolete. An injury may force your to modify your goal. If you goal is too run a certain marathon and you are injured, you may need to change your goal to do the half marathon, or some other event. An injury doesn’t need to mean you abandon all your plans. At the same time, you may find you are progressing quickly and need to raise your goal.
  • Set Action-Oriented Goals Another important aspect of goal-setting to keep them focused on personal action. Don’t forget to consider not only what you want to achieve, but how you plan to achieve it.
  • Set Realistic Goals. Start where you are, and increase your goals accordingly. If you haven’t ever run a 5K it’s probably not a wise goal to say you want to run a marathon. While that may be your long-term goal, in the short-term you may want to shoot for the 5K and 10K and half marathon on the way to your marathon goal. This sort of progression is healthy and realistic. Also, keep in mind that as you become more and more fit and near your full potential the room for continued improvement gets smaller. Similarly, if your goals are too simple, you won’t feel much satisfaction by attaining them. Only you truly know what is realistic for you.
  • Set Time-based Goals. Look again at first example: reduce your 5K time by 30 seconds within 6 months. This is specific and time-based. Without a time line there is a tendency to procrastinate or get bored. You may also need to set interim goals with shorter timelines to keep you on track. Consider the previous example of working up to a marathon by completing shorter distances first. Each of those because a separate goal with a shorter timeline. In general, goals that stretch out beyond 6 months are too long to keep you interested and motivated. Try to re-evaluate your goals every 2-3 months.

Goal setting is an art as well as a science, but if you make sure your goals follow the S.M.A.R.T. formula, you will find you are more likely to stay motivated and reach goal after goal.



Strength Training for Kids

Strength training for kids? Done properly, strength training offers many bonuses to young athletes. Strength training is even a good idea for kids who simply want to look and feel better. In fact, strength training can put your child on a lifetime path to better health and fitness.

Strength training, not weightlifting

For kids, light resistance and controlled movements are best — with a special emphasis on proper technique and safety. Your child can do many strength training exercises with his or her own body weight or inexpensive resistance tubing. Free weights and machine weights are other options.

Don’t confuse strength training with weightlifting, bodybuilding or powerlifting. These activities are largely driven by competition, with participants vying to lift heavier weights or build bigger muscles than those of other athletes. This can put too much strain on young muscles, tendons and areas of cartilage that haven’t yet turned to bone (growth plates) — especially when proper technique is sacrificed in favor of lifting larger amounts of weight.

For kids, what are the benefits of strength training?

Done properly, strength training can:

  • Increase your child’s muscle strength and endurance
  • Help protect your child’s muscles and joints from injury
  • Improve your child’s performance in nearly any sportlike football, cricket, tennis etc
  • And strength training isn’t only for athletes. Even if your child isn’t interested in            strength training can:
  • Strengthen your child’s bones
  • Help promote healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Boost your child’s metabolism
  • Help your child maintain a healthy weight
  • Improve your child’s self-esteem

When can a child begin strength training?

During childhood, kids improve their body awareness, control and balance through active play. As early as age 8, however, strength training can become a valuable part of an overall fitness plan — as long as the child is mature enough to follow directions and practice proper technique and form.

If your child expresses an interest in strength training, remind him or her that strength training is meant to increase muscle strength and endurance. Bulking up is something else entirely — and most safely done after puberty.

What’s the best way to start a strength training program for kids?

A child’s strength training program isn’t necessarily a scaled-down version of what an adult would do. Keep these general principles in mind:

  • Seek instruction. Start with a coach or personal trainer who has experience with youth strength training. The coach or trainer can create a safe, effective strength training program based on your child’s age, size, skills and sports interests. Or enroll your child in a strength training class designed for kids.
  • Warm up. Encourage your child to begin each strength training session with five to 10 minutes of light aerobic activity, such as walking, jogging in place or jumping rope. This warms the muscles and helps reduce the risk of injury. Gentle stretching after each session is a good idea, too.
  • Keep it light. Kids can safely lift adult-size weights, as long as the weight is light enough. In most cases, one set of 12 to 15 repetitions is all it takes. The resistance doesn’t have to come from weights, either. Resistance tubing and body-weight exercises, such as push-ups, can be just as effective.
  • Stress proper technique. Rather than focusing on the amount of weight your child lifts, stress proper form and technique during each exercise. Your child can gradually increase the resistance or number of repetitions as he or she gets older.
  • Supervise. Adult supervision is an important part of youth strength training. If your child lifts weights, act as a spotter — someone who stands ready to grab the weights — in case the weight becomes too heavy.
  • Rest between workouts. Make sure your child rests at least one full day between exercising each specific muscle group. Two or three strength training sessions a week are plenty.
  • Keep it fun. Help your child vary the routine to prevent boredom.

Results won’t come overnight. But eventually, your child will notice a difference in muscle strength and endurance — which may fuel a fitness habit that lasts a lifetime.